The latest by:
Steve Effros
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Effros: Courting Confusion
Don’t expect the telecom lawyers to answer the obvious questions coming up about whether you can, or can’t effectuate a given business plan. They won’t know.
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Effros: Things Happen
I don’t understand why it is that we can accept the notion that “things happen” when it comes to politics or the weather or crazy folks, but when it comes to something like telecommunications or computers or our interconnectedness it seems to come as a major shock when dislocations happen because something went wrong.
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Effros: Pushing the Envelope
Companies have been “pushing the envelope” of customer acceptance. Experience your own services and see if you’re doing the same thing.
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Effros: Accepting the Obvious
Prices in the telecommunications business are going up rapidly. Service, or at least choice when using individual services is being curtailed. It’s not because there isn’t enough competition. It’s because there’s so much of it!
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Effros: A Double Whammy
Commentary by Steve Effros This one’s not hard to write. I’ve been telling you about what was likely to come out of the Courts regarding regulatory law and particularly, as it relates to us, “net
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Effros: Net Neutrality Kabuki
The next several weeks will be a fascinating sideshow to the entire years-long dance we have witnessed regarding so-called “net neutrality.”