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Effros: Things Happen
I don’t understand why it is that we can accept the notion that “things happen” when it comes to politics or the weather or crazy folks, but when it comes to something like telecommunications or computers or our interconnectedness it seems to come as a major shock when dislocations happen because something went wrong.
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Effros: Destructive Competition
Last week may prove to be a turning point in our worship of competition. That’s particularly so as it applies to the internet, “search,” social media, and undergirding it all, the breakneck speed with which “AI” has developed.
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Cisco is elevating Eyal Dagan to EVP, Strategic Projects, and it is hiring Martin Lund to take over his previous role as EVP, Common Hardware Group.
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Effros: Billion Dollar Bets
Don’t worry about things like teraflop and petaflop speeds, or claims of thirty times increase in inference ability (that’s what AI does). Just know that the folks competing with each other for the “next new thing” are taking billion dollar bets.
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Effros: Expectations
If you allow folks to “play” with the early models of artificial intelligence they will identify the “faults” and correct them much faster.
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Fiber Frenzy
Glo Fiber Business is headed to the nation’s capital. The company signed a deal with the data center owner CoreSite to provide internet connectivity for businesses via CoreSite’s D.C. location.