The latest in:
Nathan Simington
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FCC’s AI Political Ad Item Divides Commissioners
The FCC voted along party lines to move forward with a proposal to require disclosure of the use of AI-generated content in political ads.
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The Aftermath: Simington Speaks Out, News Nets Turn to Milwaukee
Trump announced Republican Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate just before the RNC roll call.
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FCC Releases Title II Order
It took 12 days for the FCC to release the net neutrality order it approved on a 3-2 vote last month, but lawyers, lobbyists and policy wonks now have their hands on the document.
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Title II Returns: Same Show, Different Cast
The slow march to the FCC’s Title II vote came to an end as commissioners voted 3-2 to reclassify broadband as a common carrier service.
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FCC Splits on All-in Pricing, Speed Benchmark
The FCC voted to approve a report and order requiring cable and DBS television providers to specify the all-in pricing of video programming on subscriber bills and in promotional materials that include pricing information.
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On the Quad: Plenty of FCC Media Ownership Input as Deadline Looms
The clock’s ticking on the FCC’s order to complete its 2018 quadrennial review, though it’s unclear if the agency will rise to the occasion.