The latest in:
Steve Effros
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Effros: Desperation
When things appear desperate it may be time to take a deep breath and consider radical alternatives, like allowing this flawed current model to implode and revert back to a more balanced approach between production and distribution.
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Effros: Again
Yup, here we go again. It certainly wasn’t any surprise, but it definitely is disappointing. The FCC is starting a new rulemaking on that wonderful old chestnut, “net neutrality.”
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Effros: Know When To Stop
Instituting automated systems that trigger texts or emails asking the same questions over and over any time a standardized service is provided goes beyond those limits. Those using it have failed to do something I preach in this column all the time: use it yourself first!
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Effros: The Three Laws
we are still trying to figure that out with the internet, social media and the like, and the same general issues are going to arise with AI.
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Effros: Seeing Red
Cable, or more generally video production, aggregation and delivery is a very tough business. The cable guys learned that first hand when the “programmers,” the producers of the content that the cable service aggregates, started to gain such immense leverage that some, like ESPN, which were considered “must have” parts of any package offered to customers, radically raised prices to the cable operators
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Effros: Back To The Future
Since the midterm election is now over, despite us not knowing the exact makeup of the next Congress yet, it might be useful to review what it might mean for telecommunications policy.