The latest in:
Ken Johnson
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Ken Johnson was elevated to COO of Cable One from his previous position as the company’s Chief Technology & Innovation Officer. He joined Cable One in 2018 after Cable One acquired NewWave Communications
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Independent Show Notebook
We’ve all heard about the potential to use technologies like AI and VR to train technicians and manage network issues, but some technicians are already pushing the bounds of how they can be used in the field.
Executive Round Up: What Technological Innovation Are You Most Excited About?
We asked executives in our industry what technological innovation they are currently most excited about. Here’s what they had to say.
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Looking Back on the SCTE/CableLabs Combination
SCTE President/CEO Mark Dzuban had been discussing some sort of combination with CableLabs for the past decade, but it was the COVID-19 pandemic that really emphasized the need for a stronger bond between the two organizations.
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SCTE Unveils New Board
SCTE announced the appointment of a newly-formed board of directors with Charter evp/CTO Stephanie Mitchko-Beale serving as chairwoman.
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Virus Still Raging, But Broadband Network Keeps Up
National downstream and upstream broadband traffic has declined in recent weeks, but as the virus rages on and life doesn’t get back to normal, could that change?