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NTIA’s Davidson Gives Updates on AI, Buy America
The House Communications Subcommittee’s NTIA oversight hearing was in stark contrast to the one held last week for the FCC, with members applauding Alan Davidson for his willingness to adjust BEAD program guidelines when necessary.
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Impending Washington Shutdown Means Trouble for Operators
We’re not all in this together. That’s the overwhelming feeling in Washington right now, according to Alpine Group Principal/Chairman Rhod Shaw.
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Effros: Of AI and Donkeys
As usual, the biggest companies involved in AI have differing views on how to move forward. Some push for industry to retain control, others say that won’t work and the government has to, and should be involved.
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Effros: Expertise
It became very clear that we have reached a significant inflection point in the debate over what should be done, if anything, about regulating the internet.
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Other FCC Doings
The FCC also voted Wednesday to open a Notice of Inquiry on how to prevent and eliminate digital discrimination to ensure that everyone has equal access to broadband. The Infrastructure Act passed by Congress
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Effros: And So It Begins
The “conservative” view has been opposed to increasing federal control and the “liberal” view has favored it.