The latest by:
Amy Maclean
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Stay Granted: Court Hits Pause on Title II, Wants Oral Arguments This Fall
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted broadband providers’ request for a stay of the FCC’s Title II open internet rules pending their legal challenge.
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Charter Weathers ACP Impact Better than Anticipated in 2Q24
When it comes to the fallout from the demise of the Affordable Connectivity Program, Charter has the most to lose given its aggressive participation in the broadband subsidy program.
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Fifth Circuit Finds FCC Program Unconstitutional
Wednesday’s Fifth Circuit ruling that the FCC’s Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional as it’s currently administered sets up a fight at the U.S. Supreme Court. And it brings even more uncertainty to talks on the Hill around USF reform following the demise of the Affordable Connectivity Program’s broadband subsidy.
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Now What? A Lot Can Happen (and has) Between Now and November
America has had some time to digest the news that Joe Biden is no longer running for president.
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The Aftermath: Simington Speaks Out, News Nets Turn to Milwaukee
Trump announced Republican Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate just before the RNC roll call.
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Heated Debate on Indy Programmer-MVPD Dealings
Comcast sat out filing initial comments in the docket for the FCC’s proposal to ban Most Favored Nation and Alternative Distribution Method clauses, but it’s speaking out against such regulation in reply comments at the Commission.